— Kids Bed

Olive Kids Under Construction Toddler Comforter Bed Set

Olive Kids believes that kids are creative, imaginative fun seekers. We offer parents and their kids designs to foster their imagination. No TV or movie characters, just classic kids designs on great products! Olive Kids provides unique style on the highest quality kids bedding available. This includes attention to detail with delicate embroidery, added textural fabrics like soft plush and satin, and outline stitching around our icons. Comforter features iconic construction vehicles set against a royal blue base. Sheets replicate vehicles against white background, add two-tone blue circle on the hems

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Product Keywords: Olive Kids Under Construction Toddler Comforter Bed Set,Olive Kids,OK10-037

  1. lgarb says: April 2, 20122:54 pm

    I was so excited to get this bedding…it matched my son’s room perfectly. I washed the bedding before I put it on the bed. After getting it out of the drier it was nearly impossible to put the fitted sheet on the mattress-it’s like it is too small and then as I wrestled to get it on I STUCK MY THUMB THROUGH THE SHEET! The sheets are rough…and poor quality. Don’t waste your money or your time!

  2. Kel says: April 2, 20125:43 pm

    I received this very fast. It was not as thick as I thought it would be, but is very cute and colorful. It did have a funny smell to it, but I am sure that will go away after I was it.

  3. Chicago Mom says: April 4, 20124:02 am

    My husband and I are neutral people, but we have a two year old son who loves trucks. We went ahead and purchased this for his toddler bed. It isn’t as bright as I thought and our son loves the trucks and we also purchased the sham as well. It has been washed many times and the color hasn’t faded one bit. We have had to tuck the comforter and sheets into one side of the bed because it hangs over a little bit, but it still looks nice.

  4. B. Schulz says: April 4, 201211:44 am

    I ordered this bedroom set because my son loves anything truck related! I wanted to get him interested in his new “big boy” toddler bed. It worked. He likes the trucks on the sheets and will point them out and name them. However the sheets are a little rough. The comforter itself is very cute but also rough and stiff. I’m hoping that if I keep washing it it will soften up. It’s just one of those blankets that when you put it over someone it stays in the same shape until you bring it closer to you. At this point my son uses a different blanket when he goes to bed. One that is much softer and lays over him completely with out creating little air vents. I love the look of the set but was disapointed with the quality of it. Maybe it’ll get better with washing.

  5. millertym says: April 4, 201212:29 pm

    This is a cute set, bright colors. Unfortunately I ordered the wrong one, as I had meant to get the transportation themed one, so I sent this one back.

  6. JNB says: April 6, 20128:47 pm

    This bed set is adorable and my 2yr son just loves it- he is obsessed with trucks so this is perfect. The comforter is a good size and I only wish the bedding was a little softer…it did soften up after a few washes though. I’m sure we will enjot it for some time.

  7. Michael Harris says: April 7, 20125:38 pm

    We bought this in May of 2009 for our son’s 2nd birthday. It has been washed many many times and held its color quite well. One thing is that our top sheet was, in my opinion, printed upside down until my husband pointed out that it made the trucks right side up for our son. He loves it! We also bought the dump truck sham and it has held up even better than the comforter.

  8. Phoenix's Mama says: April 9, 20127:15 am

    We received this product in record time, firstly. And, we absolutely love it. We bought it to go with our son’s new Step 2 race car convertible bed & it really goes well together. We’ve had it about a month and a half & so far so good! We also love the fact that there are so many more products that go with this line though the Olive Kids website. We’re so happy!

  9. Nora Pozos Lavender says: April 9, 20129:13 am

    My husband and I orderd this for our little train/construction equipmemt hound because we thougt it was so adorable. It is cute, but the quality is terrible! The sheets are very thin and rough. The fitted sheet is so small it won’t stay on the mattress. The price on this was not terribly high by it was by no means inexpensive. We are very disappointed.

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